Gendai tōjiki



      The Joy of Beauty 




Gendai tōjiki: A View on Contemporary Japanese Ceramics.


From prehistoric times to the present day, Japan has produced beautiful ceramic works of art. From the Dogu figurines made in the prehistoric Jōmon period, the Nara sancai, the tri-colored glazed ceramics of the Asuka and Nara periods (538-794) and the Arita porcelain developed in the early 17th century to the abundant production of export ceramics after the opening of Japan in 1854, Japanese ceramics are among the finest cultural treasures Japan has to offer the world.

Japan's rich and admirable history of beautiful ceramic art is also full of evolution and accent differences, a reflection of social and religious changes within Japan, in relation to and influenced by the world around. China and Korea inspired Japanese pottery aesthetics and glazing techniques in earlier times, Europe and the U.S. gave it a boost after the end of the Sakoku with new techniques, decorationstyles and the promotion of mass production and functionality in the ceramic industry, as also the allied occupation of Japan from 1945 to 1952 had a great impact on Japanese society and culture, with a different lifestyle and appreciation of more modern and Western-inspired art movements.

These changes continue of course till the present day and it is fascinating to see what younger generations of artists have added to the vast landscape of Japanese ceramics, what choices they have made and how they have managed to go their own way, navigating between tradition and modern Western art movements.

To read more about the history of Japanese ceramics, click here: A Brief History of Japanese Ceramics

What's in it: 

On this website we give you an impression of the vibrant and diverse ceramics scene in Japan today, and in our opinion, the diversity of contemporary Japanese ceramics can best be shown by featuring as many artists as possible.

We do this by providing a brief biography of these artists, accompanied by a few works that can be called representative of their work. Because an image says more than words, we mainly emphasize the works themselves, without elaborating on the context in which the work was made, the techniques used or the philosophy behind each individual work. This website can therefore be seen primarily as a showcase, a display of ceramic work recently made in Japan that shows the diversity of contemporary Japanese ceramics. And diverse it is, and although we only show work from a relatively short period of time, the variety of styles, techniques and ideas is perhaps even greater than in hundreds of years before.

Because there are literally thousands of ceramic artists working in Japan, many of whom deserve special attention because of their extraordinary works, this website can only offer a small and rather personal selection. We have therefore limited ourselves to those who have worked in the past 50 years, that is, during the latter part of the Showa period, the Heisei period and the current Reiwa period. However, we did not select by style, themes or techniques used, nor was age or fame in the West a criterion for us. Some are renowned and have already received much recognition during their lifetime, others are still relatively young and have a long career ahead of them.

If one criterion can be mentioned for the artists and their work presented here, it is that the work is of "special beauty," at least in the eyes of the compiler. Because of the elegance or just the robustness of the design, intriguing by form and construction, exuberant and colorful or just sober and subdued. However, the emphasis will be more on innovative and less on traditional, on sculptural rather than utilitarian ceramics. But always: "of special beauty", and because Japanese ceramics, as with all art, is a source of joy for many of us, the subtitle of this website "The Joy of Beauty" seems more than justified.


click on picture to go to the artists page


  1. Fujikasa Satoko 藤笠 砂都子
  1. Tashima Etsuko 田嶋 悦子
  1. Yanagihara Mutsuo             柳原睦夫
  1. Fukumoto Fuku 福本 双紅
  1. Morino Taimei 森野 泰明
  1. Tsuboi Asuka 坪井明日香

7. Fujino Sachiko藤野 さち子

8. Katō Tsubusa 加藤委

9. Miyashita Zenji 宮下善爾

10. Kishi Eiko 岸映子

11. Katsumata Chieko                          勝間田 千恵子

12.  Mitsukuni Misaki -美崎光邦

13. Yukiya Izumita 泉田之也


17. Suzuki Osamu 鈴木 治

14. Mishima Kimiyo 三島 喜美代


18.  Sakiyama Takayuki

         崎山 隆之

15. Yamada Hikaru  山田光


19. Yuki Nara 奈良祐希

16. Ayumi Shigematsu 


20. Keiko Masumoto 桝本佳子 

21.  Matsui Kōsei  松井 康成

22. Wada Morihiro 和太守卑良

  1. Sugiura Yasuyoshi 杉浦 康益

24. Hayashi Yasuo  林康夫

25. Koie Ryoji 鯉江良二

26. Fukami Sueharu  深見 陶治

27. Kakurezaki Ryuichi 隠崎隆一

28. Inaba Chikako 稲葉 周子

29. Mikiko Tomita 富田美樹子

30. Kiyomizu Rokubey VIII


31. Kitamura Junko  北村 純子

32. Ikura Takashi  猪倉髙志

  1. Kawai Kazuhito 川井雄仁

34.Nakashima Harumi  中島晴美

35. Kuwata Takuro 桑田卓郎

36. Shingu Sayaka  新宮さやか

  1. Tomoko Konno 今野朋子
  1. Kino Satoshi 木野智史

39. Jun Nishida  西田潤

40. Hitomi Hosono ​細野仁美

41. Sakurai Yasuko 櫻井靖子


​42. Kurokawa Tōru  黒川 徹


43. Futamura Yoshimi  フタムラ ヨシミ

44. Yuji Uedaうえだゆうじ


45. Mihara Ken  三原研

46. Matsutani Fumio  松谷文生

47. Masatomo Toi  東井真咲朝

48. Chiyo Nagaoka 長岡 千陽

49. Aya Murata 村田彩

50. Junpei Hiraoka  平岡純平

51.  Akiko Hirai 平井明子

52. Matsuda Yuriko  松田百合子 

53.Kanjiro Moriyama 森山寛二郎

54. Koike Shōko  小池 頌子

55. Takiguchi Kazuo  滝口 和男

56. Chisato Yasui   安井ちさと

  1. Sawada Hayato 澤田 勇人

58. Akiyama Yō 秋山陽

59. Shozo Michikawa  道川 省三

60. Katsuyo Aoki  青木克世

61. Yoshitaka Hasu  蓮善隆

62. Oishi Sayaka 大石早矢香

63. Hattori Makiko 服部 真紀子

64. Yasutaka Baba  馬場康貴

65. Nagae Shigekazu  長江 重和

66. Kazunori Hamana 浜名一憲

67. Tadashi Ito  伊藤正

68. Kato Takahiko  加藤隆彦

69. Mutsumi Takayanagi  高柳むつみ

70. Hoshino Satoru  星野 暁

71. Saki Kawaura 川浦紗季

72. Mio Yamaguchi  山口 美音

73. Nakada Masaru 中田雅巳

74. Yabe Shunichi  矢部俊一

75. Hayashi Shigeki  林茂樹

76. Kyoko Tokumaru  ​徳丸鏡子

77. Nakaigawa  Yuki 中井川由季 

78. Daisuke Yamagishi 山岸 大祐

79. Tomonari Kato  加藤 智也

80. Yuki Ando 安藤 祐輝

81. Kenji Gomi  五味 謙二

82. Sayuri Ikake  紗百合井掛

83. Shinya Tanoue 田上 真也

84. Rie Aizawa アイザワリエ

85. Nakai Namika 中井波花

86. Ichino Masahiko 市野 雅彦

87. Kuriki Tatsusuke 栗木達介

88. Tomoko Kawakami川上智子

89. Juri Kanda 神田 樹里

90. Hayashi Kaku 林 香君

91. Ogawa Machiko 小川 待子

92.  Hashimoto Tomonari   橋本知成

93. Kohyama Yasuhisa  神山易久

94. Yamaguchi Makoto 山口真人

95.  Mayumi Nakamura  中村真由美

96. Koinuma Michio 肥沼美智雄

97. Matsumoto Hideo 松本ヒデオ

98.  Kojima Osamu  小島修

99.  Jun Matsumura  松村淳

100.  Machiko Hashimoto  橋本真知子

101. Tokuda Yasokichi III  - 徳田八十吉

102. Kouzo Takeuchi  竹内 紘三

103. Aya Mori  森 綾










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